Amin Said Amin
Development of a material transport and porosity optimized graded catalyst layer with high platinum utilization for PEM fuel cells by combination of laser ablation and wet milling technologies
Anwar, O., Amin, A. S., Amin, A., Kräenbring, M.-A., Özcan, F., & Segets, D. (2023). Determination of Hansen Parameters of Nanoparticles: A Comparison of Two Methods Using Titania, Carbon Black, and Silicon/Carbon Composite Materials. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 40(11), 2300050. doi:
Amin, A. S., Lerche, D., Odungat, A. S., Boehm, S. U., Koch, T., Özcan, F., & Segets, D. A Procedure for Rational Probe Liquids Selection to Determine Hansen Solubility Parameters. ChemCatChem, n/a(n/a), e202301393. doi:
Hammad, M.; Angel, S.; Al-kamal, A. K.; Asghar, A.; Amin, A. S.; Kräenbring, M.-A.; Wiedemann, H. T. A.; Vinayakumar, V.; Yusuf Ali, M.; Fortugno, P.; Kim, C.; Schmidt, T. C.; Kay, C. C. M.; Schulz, C.; Segets, D.; Wiggers, H., Synthesis of novel LaCoO3/graphene catalysts as highly efficient peroxymonosulfate activator for the degradation of organic pollutants. Chem. Eng. J. 2023, 454, 139900,

Amin Said Amin
Group: Prof. Doris Segets, Particle Science and Technology (IVG-PST), Universität Duisburg-Essen