IMPRS-RECHARGE 4th Symposium
“Advanced Catalysis and Materials for Energy Conversion“ - ACAMEC

April 24th-27th 2023
Many contemporary energy and transport systems, as well as chemical industries, are primarily based on fossil fuels either directly or as the feedstock for other valuable materials. The limited quantity of these nonrenewable materials, coupled with their deeply negative environmental impact, has resulted in demand for new concepts and advanced catalysts which are presently implemented and researched primarily on a small, often non-industrial scale. The existing industry and transport infrastructure can be preserved by using synthetic fuels with biomass or CO2 as feedstock. New energy storage materials and advanced batteries can help to extend the electricity infrastructure. The concept of the hydrogen economy combines the production, distribution, storage, and consumption of energy in a decentralized way. Deep understanding of these processes will be crucial for their optimization and up-scaling to industrial standards.
This symposium will cover the use of various catalytic techniques which aim to overcome the energy-related problems from both an academic and an industrial point of view. Using a combination of experimental, spectroscopic and theoretical approaches, experienced academic speakers will present their ideas, current breakthroughs and main challenges to address in future studies. Bridging academic research and industrial application by inviting select speakers from companies will shine light on economic and ecological aspects of current catalytic approaches on a larger scale. Ph.D. students will have the opportunity to present their own studies in poster or talk format, and to discuss the different facets of catalysis and material science with experts in these fields.