For the first time after Covid-19, doctoral researchers from IMPRS-RECHARGE spend three days together to develop their soft skills, network and share the scientific experience as well as career tips.
This year we went to Münster and talked with Prof. Frank Neese and Prof. Andreas Gansäuer about catalysis from different points of view. Additionally, we used the opportunity to discuss about the IMRPS, our career perspectives and the current economic changes in Germany and Europe. The second day of the retreat was dedicated to a group task about the role of catalysis on the energy transition in Germany with special focus on the Paris agreement from 2015. We really enjoyed the exciting presentations and working together with our colleagues. The highlights of this retreat was the boating tour and the trivia quiz.
Thank you to all participants for an incredible atmosphere and time spent together.
We are looking forward to the next IMPRS RECHARGE retreat!