IMPRS-RECHARGE 3rd Symposium

"Exploring Reactivity with Spectroscopy" - ExpReS

May 19-21, 2021

It is of great pleasure for us to continue the IMPRS-RECHARGE scientific symposia series by inviting you to the 3rd symposium “Exploring Reactivity with Spectroscopy”. Our research school focuses on interdisciplinary fields of research in biology, chemistry and physics that address the challenges faced in terms of catalysis, physical and chemical analysis to achieve sustainable energy solutions.

The symposium is an opportunity to explore the interface between different spectroscopic methods (NMR, X-Ray, EPR, etc.) in its whole variety (ex situ, in situ, operando) and the conclusions about elemental properties that can be drawn from this. The contributions should cover two purposes. On the one hand, experienced academics give insight into design concepts that have been proven as a helpful instrument for the development of new materials, processes or catalysts. On the other hand, PhD students are empowered to present their scientific results appealingly and to react to critical questions.

IMPRS-RECHARGE 3rd Symposium
"Exploring Reactivity with Spectroscopy" - ExpReS

May 19th-21st 2021
Online conference


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