The cooperation in form of the International Max Planck Research School RECHARGE between the Max Planck Institut for Chemical Energy Conversion, the Universities Bochum, Bonn, Duisburg-Essen, and the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung continues for further six years. The school will continue to serve the purpose of providing a structured educational program for Ph.D. students. The program includes in-depth scientific courses as well as various soft-skill trainings.
Since its foundation in 2015, the International Max Planck Research School for Reactive Structure Analysis for Chemical Reactions (IMPRS-RECHARGE) has accepted 29 doctoral students; six young scientists have successfully defended their doctoral thesis so far. Following a very successful evaluation in summer 2019, the IMPRS-RECHARGE has now been extended by the Max Planck Society until 2026.
The goal of the IMPRS is to establish the unification of catalytic concepts in the education of specialists being trained towards a rational design of catalytic systems. To this end, the historic divides between molecular catalysis with dynamical structures and heterogeneous catalysts with assumed static structures must be overcome. IMPRS-RECHARGE has implemented a program to train doctoral students in a combination of advanced quantum chemical methodologies directed to the understanding of spectroscopic information with the ability to observe catalysts at work by suitable in-situ spectroscopy.
The structured doctoral program, which concludes with a doctorate, extends over a period of three years. Graduates of chemistry, physics and related subjects can participate. Starting in late summer, excellent Master's students can apply for one of the coveted doctoral positions. The best applicants will be invited to a selection colloquium and, if accepted, can start their doctorate in January 2021.
The International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS) are an integral part of the Max Planck Society's doctoral program since 2000. Talented young scientists are given the opportunity to do their doctorate under excellent conditions. There are currently a total of 65 IMPRS, 28 of them in the chemical-physical-technical section, 25 in the biological-medical section and 12 in the human sciences section.